
Global Congress of Imam Reza (pbuh)

About Congress

The Global Congress of Imam Reza (pbuh)


Astan Qods Razavi, as one of the most esteemed religious organizations in the Islamic world, has had a specific concentration on knowledge production and research in terms of the establishment of numerous academic institutions and research centers under the blessings of Imam Reza (PBUH), and during the last four decades of post-Islamic Revolution of Iran. The most significant missions of Astan Qods Razavi, thus, can be considered to be the development of the academic and cultural capacity of the Islamic world within Iran and abroad, based on the high and sublime knowledge and precious teachings of Imam Reza (PBUH).

The Global Congress of Imam Reza (PBUH), with a history of more than 38 years, is to open a new horizon on the contemporary implications of Imam Reza's (PBUH) thoughts and teachings for constructing a world of inclusive peace and justice. The previous Congress sessions were held simultaneously with Imam Reza's birthday (PBUH) in 1984, 1986, 1989, and 1992.

The first international expert meeting of the upcoming Congress will be held on May 30, 2023, in the holy city of Mashhad with the grace of the great Imam (PBUH). It convenes scholars and religious leaders from various countries to share their ideas and concerns with a specific focus on the following major theme: "The Civilizational Thought of Imam Reza (PBUH): Justice for Everyone, Injustice for No One." The Fifth Global Congress of Imam Reza (PBUH) would bring the intellectuals and scholars together to hold a constructive dialogue and exchange of experiences and a selection of informative articles would be published as it had already been done in previous Congresses.
The civilizational thought of Imam Reza (PBUH) can be considered as an important reference for the statement of truth against falsehood, and the re-reading of Imam's view in our time highlights important debates, including the following:

- Explaining the authority of Almighty God and God's book to choose the right path of life and strengthen global solidarity based on monotheism
- Referencing and revitalizing rationality, science and learning
- Making distinction between truth and falsehood, faith and unbelief, and the divine and sublime lifestyle and the non-divine lifestyle.
- Establishing universal justice in the world and fighting against social discrimination through jihad and resistance
- Establishing ethics and securing human rights and dignity
- Strengthening social cohesion, supporting the family and confronting human destruction
- Clarifying and resolving the ambiguity of religious righteousness and confronting seditions, pluralism and religious relativism.
- Strengthening the discernment and social wisdom of affairs

These aspects can be followed from two ways of paying attention to the life of the impeccable Imam and analyzing his thoughts and opinions, and it is a carrier for the exchange of opinions and thoughts at the national and global level. Therefore, considering the above points, in the present project, an attempt has been made to explain the theoretical basis and documentation of the arguments along with the requirements of the series of world congresses of Imam Reza (pbuh).

The main goals of the series of world congresses of Imam Reza (PBUH)
According to the civilizational character of Imam Reza's thought and life, the series of world congresses pursue the following goals:
1) Consolidation and continuation of the civilizational thought of Imam Reza, peace be upon him, as one of the rich sources and an important area in the sphere of modern Islamic civilization.
2) Presenting a new reading of the thoughts of Imam Reza (peace be upon him) in accordance with today's atmosphere of culture and thought at the national and global level.
3) Expanding the space of convergence, participation and global communication in the field of the fundamentals of Imam Reza's thoughts.
   4) Setting the groundwork for creating a collective voice on civilized issues related to Imam Reza's thought and life
5) Creating understanding and convergence regarding general concepts such as justice, rightfulness, dignity, discrimination, oppression, conflict and solution, with special attention to those policies and actions that have become the origin of moral decay and failure in the world.
6) Achieving common cultural, educational and practical solutions in the field of civilizational and moral issues within the Islamic world and beyond.

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    ISC Index

    Important Dates and Deadlines of

    The 5th Global Congress of Imam Reza (pbuh)
    Congress Date: 15-16 May 2024
    Abstract Submission Deadline:
    12 January 2024
    Abstract Review: 22 January 2024
    Full Article Submision Deadline:
    5 March 2024
    Final Review: 17 March 2024