
Global Congress of Imam Reza (pbuh)

Congress Objectives

The primary goals and objectives of the Fifth Global Congress of Imam Reza (pbuh) would be as follows:


1. To find the best and practical solutions for the establishment of an inclusive justice regarding the emerging problems at current times; to develop a conceptual map for understanding the present challenges and justice-oriented social acts.


2. To combat injustice, different forms of oppression and social prejudice, and the causes of alienation of humans’ right to life.


3. To open up a space of dialogue and exchange of ideas about Imam Reza’s (PBUH) monotheistic and justice-oriented thoughts to move for the global establishment of the Divine Truth and replace it with the current domination of Satanic Imperialism.


4. To create a mutual and deep understanding of the general concepts such as justice, truth, dignity, discrimination, oppression, conflict, and conflict resolution; to provide practical solutions to end the current policies and acts that caused the global challenge of corruption and moral crisis

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    ISC Index

    Important Dates and Deadlines of

    The 5th Global Congress of Imam Reza (pbuh)
    Congress Date: 15-16 May 2024
    Abstract Submission Deadline:
    12 January 2024
    Abstract Review: 22 January 2024
    Full Article Submision Deadline:
    5 March 2024
    Final Review: 17 March 2024