How should authors submit their contributions to the conference?
All contributions including proposals for papers, workshops, experience reports and posters must be submitted through our submission portal. In this regard, authors need to sign up to the conference website first and after logging in to the system they need to follow the submission instructions for a new paper. Please note that the conference email is only for responding to the comments, questions and problems of researchers.
How many contributions can each author submit to the conference?
Authors are allowed to submit up to five contributions.
Do you provide co-authors with separate certificates?
Yes. Separate certificates will be issued for all the authors who collaboratively make contributions to the conference. Certificates will be given to the corresponding author on the day of the conference.
How do you run the conference? In-person or virtually
The conference will be held in person; however, if Iran`s Health Ministry impose new restrictions due to the Coronavirus outbreak it might be held online. Please visit the conference website regularly to get detailed and accurate information.
Can I attend the conference without presenting a paper, poster, etc.?
Yes. Interested participants are encouraged to register and attend the lectures, meetings and workshops. Please note that the certificate of attendance will be issued for registered participants who take part in the conference.
What are the visa requirements for Iran?
International participants are required to email their information including their full name and the title of their accepted manuscript to the Conference Secretariat to receive an official invitation then they can apply for a visa. Detailed information can be found here.
What if I have a question that is not answered here?
This section will be updated regularly and more questions will be added as we know more; however, you can email us at if your question is not already responded here.
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