Tuesday 8 February 2022 - 13:39 (3 year(s) ago)
- 175
- Reading time: 6 Minute(s)
Call for Works
Festival’s Goals
Identifying, networking, and creating more interactions with producers and distributors of media contents related to Razavi (attributed to Imam Reza (AS) culture outside Iran
Generalization and expansion of media contents related to Razavi conducts in various media platforms particularly modern media
Networking and supporting creators of Razavi media works
Deepening media contents related to Razavi conduct and teachings
Festival’s Topics
1. Razavi conduct: Clarification and investigation of different manifestations of culture and teachings of Imam Reza’s conduct in media products with an emphasis on the relation between fundamental concepts and current issues, and Razavi teachings particularly in the areas of Islamic Revolution, Jihad, resistance, self-sacrifice and martyrdom, ethics and interaction
2. Razavi pilgrim and pilgrimage: Elaborating, appreciating, and displaying effects and blessings of Razavi pilgrimage in pilgrims with in person and distance experience of Razavi pilgrimage with emphasis on foreign pilgrims and world campaign of Wednesdays with Imam Reza (AS)
3. Razavi endowment and donation: Examining effects and blessings of donations and endowments for Imam Reza holy shrine and promoting good tradition of endowment and donation to render services to pilgrims of Imam Reza (AS) and people of Mashhad under the holy name of the Imam (AS)
4. Razavi service: Clarification and review of the concept of beneficial services in Razavi conduct and examining its objective manifestations in different areas of service at Imam Reza holy shrine along with promotion of beneficial services for the needy under the holy name of Imam Reza (AS)
International Sections of the Festival
The press and news agencies, audiovisual media, virtual media, photography and graphics, and, student theses and dissertations are main areas about which participants can send their works
1. News reports
2. Documentary features
3. Animation and motion graphics
4. Video clips
5. Radio and Television programs
6. Photography (amateur and professional)
7. Social networks
8. Theses and dissertations
Awards of the Festival
Winners in each section will be awarded $1,000, a travel grant to the holy city of Mashhad, a special statue of the festival and a certificate of merit.
How to Submit?
All applicants may log on www.mediafest.razavi.ir to fill in the participation form.
Works related to photography, news report, theses and dissertations, as well as cyberspace can be uploaded directly on the website of the festival.
Works related to animation and motion graphics, documentary, music video, and radio and TV programs can be sent in two ways in case of having large files:
Putting file of the work on free upload websites and sending access link of which to 00989359653209 on WhatsApp or Telegram or e-mailing it to the mediafest@info.com along with given and last names of the participant, passport number, title of the work and name of the section in which the work is to compete.
Sending file of the work along with given and last names of the participant, passport number, title of the work, and name of the section in which the work is to compete to 00989359653209 on WhatsApp or Telegram.
It is worth mentioning that all participants must make sure that links or content files have been received by the festival’s Secretariat. For inquiry on this, please send a message to 00989359653209 on WhatsApp.
Postal Address of Festival’s Secretariat
Secretariat of Imam Reza International Media Festival 2022, Communications and Media Center of Imam Reza holy shrine, Sajjad Alley 1, Sajjad Boulevard, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran.
Postal Code: 00989187793112
Phone Number: 009851-37642354
Works Submission Deadline: May 2, 2022
Closing Ceremony and Unveiling Winners: June 2022
General Conditions for Participation in the Festival
Participants of the festival must submit their works to the secretariat in accordance with the general and specific conditions of the festival within the time table defined above.
Information on the festival, registration process and submission of works should are done through the website of the festival’s secretariat at www.mediafest.razavi.ir .
Works published in any periodical, news agencies and news websites, television networks, and social media between March 20, 2020 and May 2, 2022 will be participated in the festival.
It is mandatory for each participant to complete personal and media profile form along with filling in the blanks of profile of the work on official website of the festival.
Submissions of the works shall be accepted only from creator or legal owner of the work.
To get rank, the participants must trust the criteria and adhere to the decision of the jury.
Criteria for reviewing works will be announced by the festival’s academic board in future.
Works submitted to the festival’s secretariat will not be returned to the applicants.
Preserving intellectual rights of the owner of the work, the secretariat of the festival is allowed to use the selected works in its information and publicity affairs.
Works sent to the festival’s secretariat with incomplete forms and specifications will not be participated in the event.
Any decision on unforeseen issues will be at the jurisdiction of the festival’s secretariat.
All works must be in harmony with one or more topics and themes raised by the festival.
Works unrelated to the festival’s topics and themes will be removed from reviewing process.
Works submitted to the secretariat after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
Members of jury are selected by Communications and Media Center of Imam Reza holy shrine.
Filling in the festival’s participation form along with attached file of the work or publication link is mandatory.
Participants should keep update concerning news and info on the festival’s website.
Exclusive Conditions for Participation in the Festival
Photography (amateur and professional)
Works of this section have to be published in news and analytical media platforms.
Single photos and photo reports published in the media must be submitted with the name of the owner of the work or official approval of managing editor of the media in which the work has been published. Photos should be sent in jpg format in dimensions of at least 768 * 1024 and minimum size of 600 KB. Images with less than this size will not be participated in the festival.
Social networks
In this section, the link of the page or channel must be attached to registration form.
When registering for the festival, full details of the manager or managers must be mentioned.
News report, radio and television programs
Works sent for this section of the festival must have been broadcasted or published in a satellite channel or on social networks between March 20, 2020 and May 2, 2022.
Animation, motion graphics, documentary, video clip
1. The works for this section must have required format and quality.
2. The works for this section should be based on the topics of the festival.
Theses and dissertations
Graduates of Master's and Doctoral degrees in various fields can submit their theses and dissertations on topics related to production, distribution and evaluation of media content related to Razavi teachings (topics of the festival). Theses and dissertations must have been authored and defended in last five years.
Participants must submit abstract and full text of the theses/dissertation in PDF format on official website of the festival’s secretariat.
A number of theses and dissertations will be introduced and honored as selected works at the discretion of the scientific board of the festival.
Best works of the festival will be published in a collection. The secretariat reserves the right for itself to make a choice from among the works received.
Exhibitions of selected works, putting them into public display, holding workshops and meetings are among side sections of the festival the time and place of which will be announced on the website of the festival’s secretariat.
Any comment and proposal may be sent via festival’s website.